A McFeeters' Night Before Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas at Kristina's house;
All things were in a flurry--especially my spouse.

The laundry was hung by the wood stove with care
In hopes that it'd dry in the humid night air.

The guest were nestled all snug in their beds,
With dreams of iced freeways and cops and stiff legs.

And her in her apron, and I in my sweats
Were hoping to sleep some before we forget--

When back in the kitchen arose such a clatter
I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

Up to the door I flew like a flash
Then speaking to her said, "What made that big crash?"

The moon on the sill of the little window,
Belied the disaster that lay just below;

For yet, as I look, I saw all was not lost
For my wife with a flourish the salad had tossed.

But with one quick, deft hand she had rescued it all;
Though the fork she had pinned like a knife to the wall.

"All done" smiled the dear "To the fridge let us hurry."
"This all must not spoil, and morning comes early!"

"Quick, pack the suitcase! Don't forget your shaver!
Take this to the car, please, do me a favor?"

As the clock strikes eleven we head to the shower
Check the list--"How much more can we do at this hour?"

But I am not mad, and honestly glad
That she has it all planned in her beautiful head.

For to us it's adventure though late nights we make
We'd do it again, at any rate.

A wink of her eyes and a nod of her head
And I know she's my lover, and my heart is had.

We're lovers and nothing can stop that it shows:
She's my dearest, my darling, Meadowlark, my Rose.

So, off to the sunset, we'll drive out of sight
Together... Merry Christmas! --and to all a good night!

From Daniel, to Kristina
Christmas 2016
